Saturday, May 4, 2013

Live in the moment

Why is living in the moment such an impossible task?
Seems simple doesn't it?
It takes a conscious effort. 
Or is that my problem?

Can one erase the content of the mind?
Can one forget about yesterday and not yearn for tomorrow?
Ahhh, the way of the Buddha!
So simple yet so complex!

Is falling asleep during meditation acceptable?
What about crying, laughing, singing?
Daily life in this realm of gravity and messy hair in the morning,
Not so magical or transcending.
Just me in my daily struggle to live in the moment.
Ok, lets start over...


Robin said...

Live for the moment maybe all of us should be doing this my friend!

Susan Grace said...

Cathie: That pictuire is beautiful,and the words so true....Love you !!!