Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Meet Bob

Bob walks the halls of the Oncology floor, he is swift in stride, head held high and encourages me by saying, "you're doing great" with each passing as we walk in opposite directions. As I stroll past the nurses station I find him hugging and mingling with the staff, talking jovial and confident. As he stops to talk to Rand and I we are emersed in his story, 66 years old and diagnosed with Leukemia found in a exam related to back pain. Up to that point he was active, vibrante, strong.  He's very firm in his belief that being positive, active and putting on his warrior suit of armor is the way to survive, to beat the odds, to be the victor. He's full of fire, confidence, and stamina. Bob, you're a special person. I'll be seeing you around as we both return each month for our treatments. We'll experience each others changes, good days, bad days. We'll continue to encourage and provide understanding and support. We have been linked by this disease called CANCER and will share our victories together....thanks for reaching out. I'll be seeing you around Bob!

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