Monday, October 31, 2011

Dennis and Robin

I know I've spoken of Dr. Dennis and Robin several times. But, just don't think I have shared just how much these two people mean to Rand and I. We met by chance several years ago when Rand and I helped host and MC'd the Knoxville Tea Party Rally. Robin actually called us first. Don't remember any details but do remember her chattering and what seemed to be non-sensical dialoge and remember that I was rather exhausted when we hung up the phone. That's one thing about Robin, she's a chatter box, she's non-sensical, she's loving, she's giving, she never fails to reach out and give in abundance. Generosity is as natural to Robin as breathing in and breathing out. Dr. Dennis has many gifts. He's intelligent, skilled, humorous, gentle, compassionate, giving, kind and gives a mean massage. He can describe the intricate workings of a cell and is passionate about teaching. Be careful when he breaks into one of his silly fits when you're sitting in some public place like Cracker Barrel though.

What a nice surprise when Robin arrives at my room with her little bag of foot creams and exfoliating rubs and gives me a wonderful foot massage. Dennis?  Well, I basically just said "I need a Dr. Feel Good massage to go with my foot treatment"

Thank you Dr. and Mrs. Jones for your un-ending friendship. For never expecting anything from us but continue to give in abundance.  Thank you for being true friends, for helping me through my difficult times, making the hurt not hurt so bad and celebrating the good times. Thank you for never failing to keep that little hope flame flickering inside of me. Thank you for a shoulder to cry on and for making me laugh until it hurts.

We love you and treasure our friendship and will never be able to re-pay you for what you have done and continue to do for us~

1 comment:

Robin said...

Cathie you are way to kind with this.. we all are the 4 Amigo's together with all of this and you are going to do well my friend heck if you are good and do not be a non-compliant patient next week I will come and rub your feet again!!!