Monday, March 28, 2011

Intermittent pain

Still having intermittent sacral and left lower abdominal pain. It worries me. I will go weeks feeling great and then all of the sudden I'm in pain for days to weeks. I get scanned again in April. Apprehensive as I always am but, thankful for the scans. They're kind of like my report card...hoping I've done well this quarter.

My grandchildren...Deanna, Kylee, Landan, Brayden and Dylan. Gee I love these little kiddo's.
I got a new job with Blue Cross as a Field Care Coordinator. I'm really excited about this new opportunity. My first day is April 4th. In the meantime, I've been enjoying my time off with Rand. I've taught a couple of medication classes for the State of TN, have spent some time on  Gobbler Knob and enjoying a little bit of time with my grandkids and local children. I have to admit that I've also spent an ample amount of time snuggled on the couch with my pups. The weather has been cold except for a few days here and there. I'm ready for warm weather. Rand and I spend every good weather weekend on the knob in our new camper. (New to us anyway)

Life is wonderful and I'm looking forward with anticipation...Blessings to all~

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